James Knott Church of England Primary School is a school with a big heart. Love is at the centre of what we do at James Knott and all adults and pupils strive to live by our school motto of ‘Love in action, deeds not words.’ We are a community built around our core L.I.G.H.T values of Love, Inclusivity, Goodness, Hope and Truth. We provide a cornerstone in the lives of our families and believe that together or apart, we inspire each other to be the best version ourselves.
Relationships are key to our successful school. Our staff/pupil relationships are built around the highest levels of care, guidance and support. Staff within school flourish in their work and are valued, dedicated and happy. Parents support our school and are keen to play an active role in school life. Pupils are nurtured and given every opportunity to inspire others and make a difference. We are also outward facing. We work with other schools within NCEA Trust and access a wide range of services from external agencies. We do this so that our pupils and families thrive. Above all we show that we care. Our school family constantly looks at ways in which we can help others. We truly have a big heart.

We ensure that pupils experience a wealth of first-hand experiences and enrichment opportunities including visitors in school and visits within our local community and further afield. Our curriculum is rich and broad which ensures that pupils are always inspired to do their best. Our pupils work exceptionally hard in school and we are proud of them. We constantly challenge pupils in their learning and know that they develop positive attitudes to learning, self-belief and the skills and knowledge they need to be safe, successful and healthy.
We are a happy, friendly school with high standards of behaviour and a strong culture of learning. We feel that our website gives you a true flavour of our success, aspirations and values. Our school is a very special place and it gives us great pleasure to share this with you through our website.
Mrs Caroline Mullen – Headteacher