James Knott has developed many partnership links with local businesses, the police, fire service and local health professionals.
Year 5 pupils are part of The Northumbria Mini Police, an engagement scheme designed to improve citizenship within our communities and give young children the opportunity to learn about their safety, their role within their community and how the police work within the community to keep us safe.
We regularly visit St. Johnās Church to enrich our religious education curriculum. Family services are held at St Johnās three times each year to celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter.
Strong links have been made with Ground Work North East and our children regularly participate in forest school activities, based on our substantial school grounds and in Ashington Community Woods.
We are delighted to be part of The Country Trust Food Discovery project for the fourth year running, which will see lower Key Stage 2 children and their families growing, cooking and selling their own produce grown in the James Knott garden.
This year a group of Year 6 pupils will train as Peer Mentors, working collaboratively with a Lead Peer Mentor and Education Mental Health Practitioners from Northumberland Health Care Trust. Our Peer Mentors will support other children through offering help and support, building emotional resilience, promoting wellbeing and positive emotional wellbeing, and signposting to further support.