In this area, you will find all of our school’s statutory information as required by the DfE and Ofsted.
For all our latest school performance table data, please visit the Compare School government website.
NCEA James Knott C of E Primary Key Stage 2 Data 2023
NCEA James Knott C of E Primary School KS2 Performance Data 2024
As a newly formed school, James Knott C of E Primary School underwent a pre-registration Ofsted inspection in August 2021 but is yet to undergo a full Ofsted inspection. Please see the James Knott profile on the Ofsted website where further information will be published as it becomes available.
The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to ensure protection from discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the grounds of specific characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics). For schools, this means that it is unlawful to discriminate against students or treat them less favourably because of their gender; race; disability; religion or belief; gender reassignment and sexual orientation.
Under the Act, the school is expected to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. This requires us to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation;
- Advance equality of opportunity between different groups and;
- Foster good relations between different groups.
As a public organisation, we are required to:
- Publish information to show compliance with the Equality Duty. This is done via our Equalities Policy and;
- Publish Equality Objectives which are specific and measurable.
You can find our Equality Objectives and Policy in the Policies section of the NCEA Trust website.
Further details about our Freedom of Information publication scheme can be found on the NCEA Trust website.
How to request information
If you require a paper version of any documentation, please get in touch.
Contact information
Tel: 01670 816111
Postal address
Northumberland Church of England Academy Trust
Academy Road
NE63 9FZ
To help us process your request quickly, please clearly mark any correspondence âPUBLICATION SCHEME REQUESTâ (in CAPITALS please).
If the information youâre looking for isnât available via the scheme, you can still contact the Trust to ask if we have it.
- The number of employees whose employment in England by the body began in the reporting period in question: 50
- The number of apprentices who began to work for the body in that period and whose apprenticeship agreements also began in that period: 4
- The number of employees employed in England that the body has at the end of that period: 467
- The number of apprentices who work for the body at the end of that period: 6
- The number of apprentices who worked for the body immediately before that period: 3
- A headcount on the day before the first day of each reporting period in the target period:483
Additionally, the following as percentages:
- The number of apprentices who began to work for the body in that period and whose apprenticeship agreements also began in that period, as a percentage of the number of employees whose employment in England by the body began in the reporting period in question: 8.00%
- The number of apprentices who work for the body at the end of that period as a percentage of the number of employees employed in England that the body has at the end of that period: 1.28%
- The number of apprentices who began to work for the body in that period and whose apprenticeship agreements also began in that period as a percentage of a headcount on the day before the first day of each reporting period in the target period: 0.83%
NCEA James Knott Primary School operates as part of Northumberland Church of England Academy Trust (NCEAT). For all additional statutory information, please see